
Lionpro The original brand work Wonder Ocean won the iF Brand Communication Award

Lionpro firmly believes that an excellent brand must not only have a clear development strategy, but also have a high-quality visual image communication system. Of course, good business solutions are never just about winning awards, but it does make us happy to be recognized, especially the Brand Communication Award, which is much more difficult to win than other categories. This also encourages us to continue to work for this award. Customers export more and better business solutions.

Wonder Ocean is a brand dedicated to the field of professional outdoor diving equipment. Its products include diving suits, diving goggles, diving fins, quick-drying suits, swimsuits and other diving equipment. Mainly sold in Queensland, Australia. In 2019, with the continuous improvement of the national economic level, consumption has been upgraded, and the public's self-awareness has awakened. Self-pleasant consumption has gradually become a trend. The tourism industry and outdoor equipment have also ushered in an explosion. At that time, compared to the niche diving outdoor equipment industry , although there are brands that have been deeply cultivated for a long time in the industry, most of them are still OEM or unlicensed. The overall situation is relatively chaotic and lacks brand power and leading brands.


Therefore, Wonder Ocean joined hands with lapro&lionpro in 2019, through in-depth analysis and research, aimed at market and track opportunities, from brand strategy to category strategy planning, quickly built brand positioning, and carried out a complete chain from brand to product to vision The creation of the road has successfully occupied the minds of consumers in the niche segment of diving equipment with a high-end image.

Brand Design Concept

With the development of the global economy and the rise of sports without borders, many sports have become popular, and people have begun to pursue a more diversified life and fun. Wonder Ocean hopes to bring diving and outdoor sports to more user groups. The creative concept of the brand mainly comes from the sun, the ocean and people who can swim. The overall graphic presents the letters O and W. The graphic shows people enjoying outdoor sports in the ocean. It visually strongly reflects that wandering in the sea in summer is not just a simple sport, but also something full of sunshine, vitality and artistic enjoyment.

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