



About Project


Shanghai Shangling Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. belongs to Shanghai Shuanglu Shangling Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. Its predecessor was Shanghai No. 2 Refrigerator Factory. Shanghai Top 100 Famous Brand Products, and subsequently, it was rated as Shanghai Famous Brand in 2001 and 2003.


At the same time, relying on advanced R&D, quality and huge supply system management, Shanngling has continued to grow and expand for nearly half a century. In 2017, it was rated as one of the top 100 manufacturing enterprises in Shanghai. However, with the development of the national economy, With continuous development and changes in mass consumption levels and consumption concepts, the home appliance market has also ushered in consumption upgrades. In the past, there were well-known large companies such as Midea and Haier, and later there were emerging small home appliance brands such as Xiaoxiong. This large national manufacturing company is competing in the market. It is becoming more and more fierce, and there is an urgent need to find a new growth curve and improve brand awareness among the new generation of consumer groups.


Therefore, Shanngling joined hands with Lapro&LionPro in 2021 to start a new creation of the second growth curve. From the design of the enterprise, brand development strategy, business model, to the detailed design of brand design and brand vision, the starting and preliminary development of the second curve was officially completed. growth while building a model for brand building.





Design Concept

​The sun and the moon travel through the sky, and the rivers pass through the earth. As time goes by, through ups and downs in the past 40 years, Shanling, a large manufacturing company that was born in the land of Eastern China in the 1980s, has always adhered to the Oriental humanistic care of people-oriented and benevolent. Innovative technology, hoping to provide a beautiful smart home life for every family in the world, and express love for the world through smart home appliances.


Therefore, based on Shanngling’s nearly forty years of experience and accumulation, we also extracted the original Oriental humanistic care gene of Shanling’s brand, and introduced the “yin and yang” concept in our traditional culture into the brand’s design and visual communication. , to express the balance of the brand's intelligent innovation technology and green environmental protection and caring for the world.





​Sweeping Robot

Service Content

Brand Strategy

Product Strategy

Brand Design

Brand Vision

Brand Achievements

​Officially completed the start-up and initial growth of the second curve, and built a brand building model at the same time

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